Sesame laddoo or Nugul Untallu (Andhra) or Theel Untto(Sourashtra), however you call it they taste out of the world. This is served to Lord Ganesha on his birthday (Ganesha Chathurthi)
Jaggery - 2 1/2 tbsp (Gullu)
1. Dry roast black sesame seeds until you hear some crackling sound of sesame.
2. Let it cool. Grind it in a mixie/blender along with jaggery into a fine powder.
3. As you grind sesame it becomes sticky, this will help the laddoo to hold together.
4. Take a portion and try to make smalls balls, if they stay in shape you are good to go. Repeat this step to continue making laddoos.
This is how you make laddoos: Take a portion of the sesame powder in your palm, and try to open and close your hand slowly (as the doctor pumps the machine when he/she checks Blood pressure for us) pressing it hard each time so that it holds together. :-)
4. Take a portion and try to make smalls balls, if they stay in shape you are good to go. Repeat this step to continue making laddoos.
This is how you make laddoos: Take a portion of the sesame powder in your palm, and try to open and close your hand slowly (as the doctor pumps the machine when he/she checks Blood pressure for us) pressing it hard each time so that it holds together. :-)

The above recipe can be used to prepare laddoo's with white sesame seeds too. Please follow the same procedure but you will need 4 tbsp jaggery instead of 2 1/2 tbsp. I loved the black ones better.

Nice one Radhika. Your Ganapathy is cute too!
looks delicious nice entry.
Hi can this be made with plain sesame seed I have a problem getting the black variety here. It sounds divine!!
Monika xxx
Thats so yum!..
@Monika, Yes you can use the white sesame seeds as well. I have uploaded the pictures of the same. If you are in U.S, you should get it in most of the Indian stores here. We need to really watch out for the black ones :-))
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